Saturday/Sunday 18th & 19th June – The Whiting Bay Senior Gents Open
Once again we were blessed with decent weather for the ‘Seniors’ with dry but blustery conditions on Saturday followed by a brighter, calmer Sunday. A field of 29 played on each day, a very encouraging number standing the uncertainty with ferries on the days leading up to it.
Day 1
Scoring was modest in the blustery conditions to such an extent that the Scottish Golf handicap system applied a one shot adjustment. That said 11 of the field returned 30 points or more with Stuart McGregor’s 37 points enough to top the table.
1st Stuart McGregor (13) – 37points
2nd Neil McKechnie (12) – 36 acb
3rd John Pennycott (15) – 36 acb
4th Douglas Auld (19) – 36
No 2s were recorded.
Day 2
A lessening of Saturday’s blustery wind enable better scoring with 18 players returning scores of 30 points or more. David Brookens improved by 6 shots on his Saturday score to record the winning total of 39 points.
1st David Brookens (13) – 39 points
2nd Cameron Bruce (23) – 37 acb
3rd Bob McKenzie (19) – 37
4th Neil McKechnie (12) – 36
Neil McKechnie returned the only 2 of the day at the 4th hole.
Overall Result
The overall result was a close run affair with three golfers on 72 points. David Brookens, having returned the better second round prevailed and, being ancient, also won the Super Seniors category
1st David Brookens – 72 points acb
2nd Neil McKechnie – 72 acb
3rd John Pennycott – 72
4th Stuart McGregor – 70

Yet again our thanks go to Colin and Jackie Nisbet for their generous sponsorship of this popular event and to all those who donated prizes or otherwise supported us. A special thanks go to our ‘Friday Night Quizzers’ who purchased raffle tickets in large quantities – hopefully their generosity was rewarded in the distribution of prizes – and to Doreen Mainds for gifting boxes of her delicious Tartan Tablet – seriously addictive. Thanks also to John, Nancy and Louise in the clubhouse; the constant supply of fine food and drink was, as ever, very much appreciated. A huge thanks to Stewart for the fine condition of the course; the greens are in great shape just now. Stewart is doing an amazing job with no apprentice or assistant to share the load. We really are most grateful.
Finally, thanks to all who turned out to support us. Visiting golfers are always welcome at Whiting Bay and it’s nice to see so many familiar faces on such a fine weekend. See you all next year.