Saturday and Sunday 20th & 21st July – The Hunter Furnishings WBGC Gents Open
As with the past couple of years, we were not blessed with good weather when it came to the premier event in the world’s golfing calendar. Saturday morning was decent enough, but the afternoon brought with it heavy rain and a swirling mist; dreadful conditions for golf that, happily, were not repeated on Sunday. Standing the weather, and the competition we had from the other Open at Troon, we had a more than respectable turnout on both days with scoring improving significantly on Sunday.
Saturday 20th July – The Bank of Scotland Cup
72 played
1st Ryan Armstrong (6) – 63 acb
2nd Douglas Auld (22) – 63
3rd Neil Stewart (2) – 64
4th Dylan Smith (10) – 65
Lowest Gross: Craig Young (+3) – 62
No 2s returned
Sunday 21st July – The Royal Bank of Scotland Cup
72 played
1st Cameron Bruce (18) – 58
2nd Sandy Pringle (14) – 61
3rd Andrew Mack (17) – 63 acb
4th Neil Richardson (4) – 63
Lowest Gross: Craig Young (+3) – 64
Markus Kroner @ 2, Danny Head @7, David Morrison @ 11, Alasdair Kelly @ 16, Alan Hill @ 17
The Whiting Bay Gents Open
The 2024 Open Champion is Whiting Bay member, Cameron Bruce, who returned a net total over both days of 128, improving his Saturday score by 12 strokes on Sunday. The best overall scratch score came from Craig Young of Lamlash GC. Craig won the same accolade last year playing off a handicap of plus 1; this year he played off plus 3 and still bettered last year’s score by 1 stroke to return a net 128. Many congratulations to Cameron and Craig and to Ryan Armstrong on winning the Bank of Scotland Cup.
Thanks to all who came along to play in the event. Saturday’s weather forecast did little to encourage golf, especially in the afternoon, and the fact that so many played clearly reflects the popularity of the competition and of our golf course. It is in fantastic condition just now and is a credit to the work Stuart and Robbie, guided by George McKechnie, have put in throughout the earlier part of the season. Heartfelt thanks to them and also to the team of volunteers who, earlier in the week, took to the course to help with tidying up those few parts of the fairways that needed special attention for our signature event.
Huge thanks again to Neil Richardson and Hunter Furnishings, our main sponsor. Once again, their generosity was in evidence with prizes on offer as well as golf balls, tees and other goodies for the competitors. As with last year’s event, Neil donated a Stressless Recliner with matching footstool to go to the first hole-in-one of the weekend. Surprisingly, with so many expert golfers playing, that event did not occur! We were, however, able to auction the item in the clubhouse on Sunday evening and a healthy amount was raised for club funds.
In the clubhouse, Dave and Mhairi, ably assisted by their catering army of Jackie Watson, Dawn Lyle, Kirsty McKinnon, Kirsty Morrison, Grace Crichton, Fraser Hackett and James Hackett, provided an endless supply of high quality food and drink over both days while outside the clubhouse, Jamie “The Train” Allen defied the weather to do likewise with the barbecue. Thanks also to the Whiting Bay Improvements committee for the use of their barbecue and awning, the latter especially appreciated on Saturday afternoon!
Finally, our thanks once again to all our friends and neighbours who supported us by sponsoring and donating prizes or who otherwise assisted in the running of the competition. The weekend was a huge success and we hope to all meet up again for the 2025 edition.
2024 WBGC Open Champion Cameron Bruce with his trophy and WBGC club captain Doreen Mainds
2024 WBGC Open best scratch sorer CRaig Young with his trophy and WBGC club captain Doreen Mainds