Saturday/Sunday 19th & 20th June – The Whiting Bay Senior Gents Open
After the disappointment of being unable to stage the ‘Seniors’ last year the 2021 version was welcomed back with ideal golfing weather attracting a good field on each day.
Day 1
29 played. Scoring was good with 22 players returning scores of 30 points or more. Home players occupied the top 10 places with Dougie auld returning an impressive 42 poi’s to win by 4 shots from David Blair,
1st Douglas Auld (20) – 42 points
2nd David Blair (12) – 38
3rd Graeme Crichton (14) – 36 acb
4th Stan Rainey (11) – 36
2s – Brian Murray @ 4, Ronnie Mann & Ian McKerrow @ 5, George Bee, David Blair, Stuart McGregor @ 11, Douglas auld @ 17
Day 2
29 played. Again scoring was good with 20 players on 30 points or more and this time it was nice to see a few visiting players appearing in the top 10 returns. Not to be outdone by Dougie Auld, David Millar also returned 42 points to win, this time by 2 shots from John Pennycott
1st David Millar (22) – 42 points
2nd John Pennycott (12) – 40
3rd Gordon MacLachlan (22) – 39 acb
4th Graeme Crichton (13) – 39
2s – Douglas Auld @ 11, James McCulloch & John Pennycott @ 17
By now, more astute readers will have noticed Graeme Crichton lurking dangerously on the podium on both days. On his first appearance in a seniors major, and after some intense scrutiny of the complexities of the new simplified handicapping system, his consistency was rewarded with 1st place over the two days beating John Pennycott by one shot. In the super seniors (over 65s) category, Dougie Auld prevailed, again by the narrowest of margins. Well done and congratulations to both.
Unfortunately Graeme was unable to collect his trophy personally so, regrettably, no photie, but here’s one of ‘Super Senior’ Dougie Auld in the Super Seniors rocking chair.
Yet again our thanks go to Colin and Jackie Nisbet for their generous sponsorship of this popular event and to all those who donated prizes or otherwise supported us. Thanks also to John, Nancy and Louise in the clubhouse; the constant supply of fine food and drink was, as ever, exemplary and very much appreciated. A huge thanks to Stewart for the fine condition of the course; the greens are in great shape just now. With help from George McKechnie’s ‘golfer’s eye’, Stewart is doing an amazing job with no apprentice or assistant to share the load. We really are most grateful.
Finally, thanks to all who turned out to support us. Visiting golfers are always welcome at Whiting Bay and it’s nice to see so many familiar faces on such a fine weekend. See you all next year.