Wednesday 29th July – The Betty Black Cup
26 played in this medal format trophy in memory of the legendary Betty Black, one time club (and later ‘social’) secretary. Once again scoring was impressive with the top 6 returning under par scores and doing their Summer Trophy aggregates no harm in the process. Especially impressive however was Kenneth Sillars’s wining score of 56 which gave him a 4 shot margin over his nearest rival.
1st Kenneth Sillars (24) – 56
2nd Scott Murray (10) – 60
3rd David Brookens (12) – 61
4th Gus Macleod (14) – 62
Jamie Macpherson returned the lowest gross score with 69 blows. CSS stayed at 63 and there were 4 magic 2s – Kevin Jackson at the 4th and David Brookens, Ronnie Mann and John Pennycott at the 17th.